Please click button below to load the Demo Interactive Bot Assistant
Sample Data
Here in spreadhsheet format to view but actually in Database.
Note: All Sales figures are in multiples of 5 to ease validating results.
The following questions are in the system:
Question | Example questions you can ask |
How many boots did we sell |
How many boots did we sell between April and May How many sandals did we sell in July Give me the sales of shirts between January and April What were the sales of nike shirts in April |
What was our best seller Not Implemented Yet | What was our best seller in April |
What was our best Not Implemented Yet |
What was out best month |
As you can see, even with a low number of questions in the system you can do some powerful querying using natural English language.
This is also a very simple set of data - in real life you would have hundreds of tables and lots of data, all waiting to be queried using simple questions.
Hello, my name is Francis. |
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